Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why I sold my Ferrari REVIEW - Step by step Guide To Creating A wealthy life

In order to understand WHY we haven’t yet become rich we need to appreciate what being rich means to us. Wealth by my own definition is to live a life where we have the freedom of choice to do what we want, when we want, with whomever we choose to. One of the main challenges for most people is that they are never really clear on what that might look like for them. Is it $1 million dollars or is it $100 million. As a 19 year old kid I set out on a mission to discover what was so special about all these people who had accumulated wealth and amassed a fortune and were living a life that I so desperately desired. What I discovered will really shock you. These people we’re no smarter than you and I. In fact, quite often they even started out with less than I did. What they did have was a unique set of refined, learned skills that allowed them to see past their own limitations and create what seemed like the impossible. It was those lessons that helped me understand that it was possible for me too

In order to understand WHY we haven’t yet become rich we need to appreciate what being rich means to us. Wealth by my own definition is to live a life where we have the freedom of choice to do what we want, when we want, with whomever we choose to. One of the main challenges for most people is that they are never really clear on what that might look like for them. Is it $1 million dollars or is it $100 million. As a 19 year old kid I set out on a mission to discover what was so special about all these people who had accumulated wealth and amassed a fortune and were living a life that I so desperately desired. What I discovered will really shock you. These people we’re no smarter than you and I. In fact, quite often they even started out with less than I did. What they did have was a unique set of refined, learned skills that allowed them to see past their own limitations and create what seemed like the impossible. It was those lessons that helped me understand that it was possible for me too

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